Pest Control in Frisco, Texas

dr pepper building in frisco protected by crazylegs pest controlIf you have a pest issue, get in touch with Crazylegs Pest Control service. We will rapidly and effectively rid your home or business of troublesome and harmful pests. We handle everything from bugs to rodents.

Identifying a pest control company that you depend on may be a significant difficulty. You'll value our attention on customer service as we quickly deal with your pest issue, at an affordable and just price.

If You Need an Exterminator Crazylegs Pest Control Has You Covered

We'll eliminate your problem quickly and guarantee your total satisfaction. We focus on safety, while getting the results you really need. We offer a remarkable staff, and you'll value our skill-set and customer service. We are professional but affordable, with totally free inspections and estimates. In other words, we'll solve your issue swiftly, professionally and economically.

Why Phone Crazylegs Pest Control?

You require an exterminator. Count on Crazylegs to complete the project correctly. Here's the reason why we're the obvious solution.

  • We understand. There's truly an urgency to address a pest problem, and we understand your predicament. Frequently in a matter of minutes, we'll have someone at your door for a complimentary inspection.
  • We got this. If you have problems with cockroaches, mice, wasps, scorpions, ants, bed bugs, crickets, spiders, termites, bees, rodents, ticks, fleas, earwigs, killer bees, wasp nest removal, mosquitoes, birds, or any other common pests in Frisco, we'll deal with it. Our exterminators have experienced situations similar to yours in the past, and so you can rest easy.
  • We're guaranteed! Following our treatment, if you continue to experience problems we'll send your technician back for an additional treatment, at no cost. If pests appear at any time between regularly scheduled treatments, we'll send your exterminator to attend to your issue at once.
  • Safety is our principal consideration. We strive to deliver the very best pest control services. We're licensed, certified, and fully insured. We use up-to-date treatments and materials. Your exterminator uses the safest methods in the profession.
  • Our customer care is outstanding. Immediately from the beginning, with our pleasant and helpful telephone operators, you'll experience a level of customer service unequaled in the industry. You can count on our professional and knowledgeable inspectors and highly qualified exterminators to handle your problem.
  • We provide you a good deal. We deliver free inspections and also free estimates. We reside and labor in Frisco, Texas and as your neighbors we provide fair and competitive prices.
  • We don't disguise anything. From the completely free price quote given by your inspector, you'll know in advance the total price and all treatment specifics. You'll understand every thing beforehand.
  • We need you, too! The progress of our organization is dependent on the trust we develop with you. You deserve the leading pest control services, and we are here to provide you with the best.

Crazylegs Pest Control Company Uses Modern Methods and Materials

Using insecticide at certain areas on your property offers the secret to successful bug control. Considering this, bug nesting areas have to be treated. However, it's likewise required to recognize and treat locations where the bugs enter and go out. Your highly-trained exterminator from Crazylegs Pest Control has been qualified to notice and treat all nesting, entry and exit areas.

living room in frisco protected by crazylegs pest control


Crazylegs Pest Control Shares Your Safety Worries

Lots of people are talking about "green" pest control techniques which safeguard the environment and reduce toxicity. This has been a method that explains what the best extermination companies already do, exactly like Crazylegs Pest Control. The secret is for the exterminator to examine and take away the environmental aspects that allow pests to prosper and reproduce. By naturally decreasing the pest issue in this way, a smaller quantity of chemicals and pesticides are called for.

This practical technique is called "Integrated Pest Management" and it combines prevention with more traditional applications of practical chemicals. By reducing the infestation naturally by utilizing environmental factors, a reduced volume of safe and effective pesticides, having little or absolutely no impact on human beings or household pets, can be utilized.


Guaranteed Crazylegs Exterminator Services

Your satisfaction is guaranteed, completely. The guarantee includes both our pest control results and our customer service. If you continue to experience problems, our company will work with your home or business until you are completely satisfied. We will return as necessary for more treatments, at no additional cost to you.

Eradicate Bugs Today!

Your Crazylegs Pest Control exterminator, whatever pest issue you have, will rapidly eliminate your issue, so you can relax easy. We work to provide the very best pest control service and value and you will notice it with every contact and action.

Wipe out Bugs Once and for All!

Many people don't recognize that bugs carry dangerous micro-organisms, despite the fact that they might understand rats can carry diseases. Don't risk the health and wellness of your family members, staffs, or patrons. Furthermore don't leave the structure of your home or business at risk, should you have termites.

Safeguard the health of your friends and family, staffs and patrons by entrusting your problems to Crazylegs Pest Control company. We are recognized for our speedy, well-mannered, and practical service. Call us today for your free assessment.



Call us today. (833) 497-4499

Communities We Service:

Frisco, Plano, The Colony, Little Elm, Prosper, Carrollton, Allen, Dallas, McKinney, Lake Dallas, Lewisville, Aubrey, Richardson

75007, 75008, 75010, 75011, 75013, 75023, 75024, 75025, 75026, 75029, 75034, 75035, 75056, 75057,  75065, 75067, 75068, 75070, 75074, 75075, 75078, 75082, 75086, 75093, 75252, 75287, 76227

States We Service

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